Broken Hill Pet Rescue

We are a non-profit community organization committed to saving animals.

Our goal is "A safe home for every animal, a safe animal for every home".

Broken Hill Pet Rescue (BHPR) is a group of like minded animal lovers and foster carers who provide temporary foster homes for animals from the Broken Hill Pound.

Broken Hill Pet Rescue's main objectives:

1. Provide temporary foster care homes to animals from the Broken Hill pound.

2. Provide basic training for any animals in foster care to better their chances at not only finding a home, but to make the lives of their future owners easier.

3. Provide a service to the community for anyone in need of surrendering any animal/animals.

4.Provide a service to any rescue organizations who purchase animals from Broken Hill and are therefore an invaluable service to the Broken Hill community.

5. Support & promote local adoption from the Broken Hill Pound.

6. Be a dedicated organization committed to forming positive relationships with our invaluable foster carers, The Broken Hill Pound, local veterinarians and rescue organizations across Australia.

7. Provide a service to all animals to give them the chance they deserve to enjoy a long, happy life.

Non-profit organization